Review Gmail Settings

Posted in Announcements

If you believe your account has been compromised, change your GU password ASAP via the GU password change station.

Reviewing GU Gmail Account Settings

Verify Account Activity

  1. Log into your GU Gmail account.
  2. Scroll down to the very bottom of the main pane. You should see “Last account activity” with “details” below that.
  3. Click on “Details.”
  4. A new window should pop open. Click on the button “Sign out all other web sessions.” This will sign out all other sessions currently logged into your account.
  5. Review the recent activity table. Verify that the activities listed are yours.
  6. Close the window and go back to the Gmail page.

Verify Account Access

  1. In the top right hand corner, click on the gear button. In the drop down menu, select “Settings.”
  2. Click on the “Accounts” tab and verify that:
    1. In the “Send Mail As” Row, verify that your display name and Email address is correctly listed. Additionally, If there is a “Reply-to” address listed, verify that it is correct. If you need to make a change, select “Edit” and a new window should pop open allowing you to change the displayed name and Reply-to address.
    2. Under the “grant access to your account” section, no unauthorized accounts have been added. If there is an unauthorized account, remove it.
  3. Click on the “Filters and Blocked Addresses” tab and verify that:
    1. Filters applied to all incoming mail were created by you. Delete any filters not created by you.
    2. Review the list of blocked addresses and make sure they were created by you. Delete any blocked address not created by you.
  4. Click on the “Forwarding and POP/IMAP” tab and verify that:
    1. In the “Forwarding” section, there are no unauthorized forwarding addresses listed.
    2. In the “POP download” section, verify that POP is disabled unless you explicitly enabled it.

Verify Security and Connections

  1. Go back to the “Accounts” tab and click on “Google Account settings” in the “Change account settings” section.
  2. A new window or tab should open up. Click on “Sign-in & security.”
  3. In the main pane, scroll down to the “signing in to Google” section. Verify the last changed date.
  4. Scroll down to the “device activity and notification” section.
  5. Review the recent security events. Events include, changed password.
  6. Review the recently used devices and verify that the devices listed are yours.
  7. Scroll down to the “connected apps & sites” section. Verify that:
    1. The apps connected to your account are apps you are familiar with. If you are unfamiliar with any app, please remove it.
    2. You should have no synced passwords.
    3. Allow less secure apps should be set to “OFF.”