Travel Tips

UISO recommends securing your electronic devices and accessing GU via VPN.  

***Note: China’s Cybersecurity Law includes a ban on unauthorized VPN services. While Georgetown University does have VPN capabilities for eligible GU travelers, it is advised that use of the GU VPN may be considered a violation of that law.

Effective Practice: Cybersecurity for the International Traveler is provided by the The Research and Education Networks Information Sharing and Analysis Center (REN-ISAC) which serves over 620 member institutions within the higher education and research community by promoting cybersecurity operational protections and response.

At the point of entry and exit, these countries claim a right to search and seize your technology devices:

  1. No requirement for cause
  2. No restrictions on handling of data
  3. No timeline for data destruction
  4. No promise of secure storage
  5. Can require you to decrypt or provide keys/passwords

Promptly and calmly comply with any request for search/seizure of your devices.  Contact the UIS Cyber Incident Response Team (CIRT) at when you are able to.  

Data Security 

Here are guidelines to help you protect your data.

  • Only bring the information that you absolutely *need* when traveling
  • Store data in GUBox, which is fully encrypted and accessible anywhere
  • High Risk data should *not* be stored on any laptop or device
  • Encrypt your devices; use different PIN numbers to unlock each device
  • Transport your laptop inconspicuously in a padded backpack or messenger bag
  • Keep your laptop in fulll view at all times
  • Never use public wi-fi; check your settings on all of your devices to ensure they do not connect automatically to available wi-fi networks
  • Turn off bluetooth
  • Always use Georgetown Virtual Private Network (VPN) to connect to the internet and any Georgetown resources
  • Avoid USB charging points, and charge devices using a portable charging pack 
  • Turn off geolocation services on social media networks when away, and avoid posting photos taken on your travels until you return home

What If My Laptop Gets Stolen?

Travel Resources