UIS.203.7T Restricted List of Ports, Protocols, and/or Services
In support of UIS.203 Least Functionality Guidelines

Georgetown University Information Services (UIS) shall specifically prohibit or restrict the creation of advertised services that open the following functions, ports, protocols, and/or services on a server:
- ARINC-GATEWAY Port 55210 / TCP
- Background File Transfer Protocol (BFTP) Port 152 / TCP
- Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Port 179 / Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
- Courier Port 530 / TCP, User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
- Domain Name System be (DNS) Port 53 / TCP, UDP
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Ports 20, 21 / TCP
- Finger Port 79 / TCP
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Port 80 / TCP; 443 / TCP
- HTTP-MGMT Port 280 / TCP
- Identification Protocol (IDENT) Port 113 / TCP, UDP
- Internet Control Messaging Protocol (ICMP) – block incoming echo requests (ping and Windows traceroute) block outgoing echo replies, time exceeded, and destination unreachable messages except “packet too big” messages (type 3, code 4). Note: Blocking ICMP will restrict legitimate use of PING in an effort to restrict malicious activity.
- Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) Port 143 / TCP, UDP
- Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Port 194 / UDP
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Port 389 / TCP, UDP
- Line Printer Daemon (LPD) Port 515 / TCP
- LOCKD Port 4045 / TCP, UDP
- Network Basic Input Output System (NetBIOS) Ports 135, 445 / TCP, UDP; 137-138 / UDP; 139 / TCP
- Network File System (NFS) Port 2049 / TCP, UDP
- Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) Port 119 / TCP
- Network Time Protocol (NTP) Port 123 / TCP
- Oracle Names (ORACLENAMES) Port 1575 / TCP, UDP
- Port Mapper (PORTMAP/RPCBIND) Port 111 / TCP, UDP
- Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) Ports 109-110 / TCP
- Services Ports 512-514 / TCP
- Secure Shell (SSH) Port 22 / TCP
- Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Port 5060 / TCP, UDP
- Shell Port 514 / TCP
- SIDEWINDER-COBRA, (S) Port 2809 & 9002 / TCP
- Simple File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) Port 115 TCP, UDP