Cyber Alert: Update your Mozilla Firefox browser
September 11th, 2019
Posted in Announcements
Extortionists are actively targeting the GU community and the public at large using fear and shame as their primary tactics to lure victims to pay them via BitCoin or leak embarrassing videos of them to all of their contacts.
The email threat uses GU NetID and a possible password in the subject title of the message. The passwords used in these schemes are taken from other online accounts. Our phishing examples page provides the full text of the email.
If you received this email and took any action, you should immediately file a police report with your local jurisdiction and change the passwords on your personal and Georgetown accounts.
Cyber Alert: Update your Mozilla Firefox browser
September 11th, 2019
Phishing Email Alert _ Do Not Respond
July 19th, 2019
Public Service Notice – Zoom Security Flaw
July 11th, 2019
UISO Cyber Security Newsletter
May 7th, 2019